What are Special Orders ?

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Inscription : 02 Mar. 2013
Localisation : Bruz

What are Special Orders ?

Message par David » 30 Juin 2013, 10:17

There are two kinds of Special Orders : the ones that are organized by the dedicated association of the Forum des Amateurs de Thé, called Special Orders (Opérations Spéciales), and the Group Orders (Commandes Groupées) which may be initiated by any member of the forum with enough senority (30 posts at least).

Group Orders :

Let's say that you are interested to try an expensive puerh than you cannot sample. You don't want to buy (nor can't afford) the whole cake, but you can ask members of this forum if they would be willing to participate. Finding a few members who are interested could be a good opportunity for you and for them, you can exchange opinions afterwards which is always nice, and maybe make some new tea friends along the way...

As people in charge of this forum won't be organizing things (although they may be willing to join as any other member would), they can't be held responsible for any problems, scam or other bad things that might happen. They are happy to provide the place for you to organize, but their responsibility stops here. So please take the necessary precautions.

They will however do whatever they can to prevent problems, for example, only people with a relative seniority will be able to post in the dedicated section. But still, please be careful.

Each offer should be made through a new post in the dedicated section, providing numerous details (quantity, costs including different shipping rates according to the destination country, delays, progression, etc). This post will be a good place to discuss the purchased teas/items afterwards.

Special Operations :

These are the operations organized by the Association of the Forum des Amateurs de Thé. There will be two kinds of Special Operations : the ones dealing with tea, and the ones dealing with ceramics. For tea, we will contact tea sellers and ask them if they are willing to send us some teas if possible with a special price. Or the association will directly buy teas, sometimes from different sellers, and repack them in order to propose an original selection, hopefully chosen around a predetermined theme (ex : shincha, selection from one tea producer, etc).

For the ones dealing with ceramics, we will contact potters directly in order to commission something for us. This can be a "wild card" or a specific piece or design. At some point, we'd really like members to be involved in the creating process when it will be possible. But it may not be the case at first. There are suggestions threads in the french section.

We are available if you have any question.

Many thanks.